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Along Abbey Road | A Lifestyle And Family Blog : A Random Thing Or Two-sday


A Random Thing Or Two-sday

Maxi: Vintage. Sandals: c/o Jellypop Shoes.

1) Fact: Blind people can dream. Those who were born blind dream in response to their other senses. Those who became blind after birth dream in images up to the extent of their sight (source).

2) After seeing a clip of a cow being killed for the slaughterhouse, I honestly don't think I can eat meat anymore. The poor white cow's eyes were so content and innocent, then BAM! They shot it in the head and slit its throat. Sorry for the graphic mental image, but is was so sad. I guess this moment was inevitable at some point in my life. I've been putting off seeing any images or videos about this very thing because of my love for cheeseburgers and steak, but now that's all been ruined. I am too much of an animal lover and am overly sensitive to the whole "animals have feelings too!" idea. Poor, poor cow. And pig. And lobster being torn away from your monogamous mate and boiled alive. Chickens, I don't care so much for you, so we'll see about that. Shellfish don't count.

3) The "family planning" section of the grocery store we shop at is all locked up, therefore you have to press one of those buttons that sends a store-wide message for the associate to unlock it. As if that isn't sufficiently inopportune, just imagine the teenage bag boy giving you the side look in embarrassment as you pick out your items. It's just not right.

4) If you had to choose between the two, would you rather own the ability to completely end world hunger or disease?

5) Luke's squeals are identical to the sound of a dental drill; ridiculously high-pitched and subtly vibrational. Good thing we like the dentist around these parts...

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At June 19, 2012 at 8:36 AM , Blogger Joke said...

Hi Abbey. First of all I love your maxi dress. I'm completely crushing on maxi dresses over here. Second I've always enjoyed your random thing or two-sday posts. I do this 'This and that' bit on my blog which is the same so I thought it would be fun to link up!

At June 19, 2012 at 9:01 AM , Blogger k8te said...

i hate when they lock up the family planning section, i mean i know they might be high risk for theft, but come on..it's just too embarassing for everyone involved!

i think i'd end world hunger ..but it's a really tough call. i think there is a lot of medicine & science out there these days..and it's constantly improving(though not enough for some diseases i suppose).

i love these random tuesday posts!

At June 19, 2012 at 9:18 AM , Blogger Elisha said...

end world hunger for sure!! I hate it. /:

you look gorgeous momma!! love your skirt! (:


At June 19, 2012 at 9:25 AM , Blogger Mae said...

Love this. A) Right there with you. Not eating much meat around these parts anymore. B) Our family planning section is also locked. Buying those items is already embarrassing enough for some, locking them up and forcing a store-wide public confession of your purchase is unfortunate. I wouldn't be surprised if birth rates sky rocket :) Seriously though. I hate it.

At June 19, 2012 at 9:27 AM , Blogger Jan said...

That's a great photo and really pretty dress :)

I'm having a $50 Shabby Apple Gift Card Giveaway on my blog!

At June 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM , Blogger Always Maylee said...

Look at how pretty you are in these fun summer colors! #3 made me laugh, talk about embarrassing! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

At June 19, 2012 at 10:04 AM , Blogger Britt { Magpie Collective } said...

That dress is gorgeous!! I totally understand about the family planning section...

When I have to buy things from that area, I scout out the checkout people first and find the oldest checker I can find and beeline it for them with my purchases. I don't care if they have the longest line in the store. I still stand there and wait, because I have a sneaking suspicion that they've seen weirder/more embarrassing things in their many years.

Plus, I hope that in their old age, they forget the red faced girl nervously flipping through her wallet, dropping it on the ground and smacking her head on the way back up.

The Secondhand Magpie

At June 19, 2012 at 10:09 AM , Blogger Ashley said...

Are you going to be making this a weekly link up?? I want to do it sometime if you are.

The family planning section locked??? How embarrassing.

At June 19, 2012 at 10:29 AM , Blogger kendra @ little almanac said...

Love your skirt! and I love Luke's itty bitty sandals!

At June 19, 2012 at 10:40 AM , Blogger Anna @ IHOD said...

Your maxi dress is stunning!!
What a find:)
After watching forks over knives and food inc., I am not a huge meat eater anymore either!

I have luckily never had to go through the humiliation of the family planning section (we practice Natural family planning) but getting feminine products will always and forever be mortifying.

At June 19, 2012 at 11:41 AM , Blogger Maggie B. said...

Hi! I'd choose to end hunger. Maybe illnesses can be fought with proper nutrition.

And.... my family doesn't eat much in the way of meat, but you might consider purchasing your meat products from a local farm directly, or find good companies that do things in a human manner. Not all of the meat available for consumption comes from a slaughter house.

At June 19, 2012 at 12:23 PM , Blogger Alyx said...

I don't know that I would do either... the world would get overcrowded so fast. I know that probably makes me an awful person. :(

At June 19, 2012 at 4:18 PM , Blogger Shawna Faye said...

You need to watch the documentary Forks over Knives, it's on Netfllix. Sooo informative! I'm not a strict vegetarian, I do eat chicken or fish on occasion, but it's pretty rare.

Also, what's the deal with the family planning section. If anything they should be making that sort of thing MORE accessible. Maybe try just ordering what you need online?

At June 20, 2012 at 12:06 PM , Blogger Kimberly said...

great post and cute outfit! i would choose end hunger since people become sick because of malnutrition.

City Style


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