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Along Abbey Road | A Lifestyle And Family Blog : My Face


My Face

A few weeks back a few of you asked me to share my beauty and skincare regime with you. Alas, I give you my daily routine. These are the products that you see on my face in all my pictures!

A little bit about my skin... it is super sensitive and very acne prone these days. Most face washes are even too harsh and I don't like the way they make my skin feel all dry and yucky. Hence, water and a washcloth are my best friend. The alpha hydroxy in the first moisturizer keeps the bacteria at bay and my tinted moisturizer and foundation were formulated by dermatologists for people with skin issues such as moi. If this sounds like your skin, I highly recommend giving these products a try if you are looking for a sensitive makeup base. They are the ay-may-zing.

If you are just looking for a new, natural and simple look, I hope you give my routine a try too! The products can be a bit on the pricey side, but it goes a long way and the quality is superb AKA it doesn't rub or melt off your face like Frosty on a hot day. I have been using these products for years and I absolutely love all of them, so I hope you can find some new favorites as well!



At June 8, 2012 at 8:52 AM , Blogger Kimberly said...

great routine i'll definitely try out the make up routine part

City Style

At June 8, 2012 at 9:04 AM , Blogger BronsonBloopers said...

This is fun! I have a question, can you use bronzer and blush on the same day? Or should it always be one or the other? I always wonder this when I get ready. Have a great weekend! :)


At June 8, 2012 at 11:01 AM , Blogger Jan said...

I love this and you really did a great job on the picture you used ;)


At June 8, 2012 at 11:08 AM , Blogger Ashley said...

Are you a big believer in this moisturizer? I love the Bobbi Brown moisturizer but its WAY TOO expensive.

At June 8, 2012 at 2:52 PM , Blogger the creation of beauty is art. said...

This is definitely a wonderful every day makeup routine!


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