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Along Abbey Road | A Lifestyle And Family Blog : 10 Things I Never Thought I'd Say Until I Had Boys


10 Things I Never Thought I'd Say Until I Had Boys

Being a mom of boys is a particularly entertaining calling in life. And many times I've caught myself saying the most outrageous things. Things where I say back to myself, Did I really just say that out loud?

(Remains of the plants in reference to #3 below)
I feel like a good description of being a mother to small boys is like raising a pack of cavemen. Truly. They bang on things raucously with their hands. They grunt and throw their heads back when they scream. They bump each other over the heads with sticks and plastic dinosaurs. And you should see the floor after dinner! It's like blending an entire dinner with the lid off—it's everywhere.

Since being a mother to boys has to have some sort of anthropological distinction to it, I've decided to compile my very own list of observations of things I never thought I would say until I had boys.

1. "Don't pee on your brother!"

2. "You can't just go up to people and ask if they have a penis."

3. "Please don't bulldoze the plants with your toys."

4. "We don't put our feet on the table... or in our food."

5. "Baths are not optional or negotiable."

6. "We don't fart in public and laugh."

7. "Your brother is not a toy—dragging him around by one foot will hurt him. What was that? Umm, yeah, especially up the stairs."

8. "Please don't pull out all of the wheels in the dishwasher."

9. "Stop sitting on your brother's head!"

10. "I want all boys!" (It's true. I love these ridiculous little fellas. I would happily take five more! Okay, maybe three.)

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At January 2, 2015 at 9:54 AM , Blogger Lived With Love said...

haha this is funny! I only have a girl so it's fun to read boys are so different! although she still makes a huge mess when eating and likes to put her feet in it! haha x

At January 2, 2015 at 10:56 AM , Blogger Hollands Reverie said...

Lol- love the list especially as I've said most of things myself too! I have two boys and two girls- the boys in the middle just 18 months apart, they are the best of friends and cohorts in chaos!


At January 2, 2015 at 11:29 AM , Blogger Rebekah said...

I'm with you on #10! I always wanted a little girl until I had my little boy in September. Now I can' imagine having girls, I am so happy with my little boy! Haha

At January 2, 2015 at 2:01 PM , Blogger Lauren said...

This made me laugh a lot - particularly number 6! Unfortunately I don't think they ever grow out of that...my boyfriend still does it now at 27!

I've been reading your blog for about 4 years now but never commented before - just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading about your escapades with your three boys!

Lauren xx

At January 2, 2015 at 2:22 PM , Blogger ChocolateFashionCoffee said...

haha, that's so funny, especially the first one :)) Happy New Year!

ChocolateFashionCoffee Facebook Page

At January 2, 2015 at 7:55 PM , Blogger Jayme said...

This is perfect. As a new mom to a 3 month old little boy I can't wait to see how my life as a boy momma unfolds.

At January 2, 2015 at 10:17 PM , Blogger hnousun said...

I don't have children yet but my mother-in-law knows exactly what boys are capable of and she probably has said a few things she thought she would never say. She had 10 boys in a row! She told me the other day that her kids were going to be perfect little angels and they were not going to do this or that wrong and boy did she eat her words. Hahaha.

At January 4, 2015 at 3:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Boys are just crazy I've decided. Although I am sure you will have your own list of things you never thought you'd say since having a girl in no time ;)

At January 4, 2015 at 3:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Right?! How fun that you are able to have two of each! xo

At January 4, 2015 at 3:36 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Exactly! Boys are so much fun. Busy, energetic and sometimes exhausting, but awesome. I am so comfortable with boys now that I am not sure I would know how to handle the emotions and drama of a little girl! There is already enough of that just with me being the only femaile in the house ;)

At January 4, 2015 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha, my husband and I both got a kick out of that. (Matt still does it too, so I guess that is where Luke and Wes learned it, lol.) And thank you so much for your comment and words! Sometimes I wonder if any of my readers from a few years ago are still around, so thanks for the encouragement, Lauren! xo

At January 4, 2015 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks, Saci! HNY to you too!

At January 4, 2015 at 3:38 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

It is THE BEST. I am so excited for you! xo

At January 4, 2015 at 3:39 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

TEN boys?! Your MIL deserves sainthood for being a mom to that many boys! Where is her blog? I need ALL of her wisdom, haha.

At January 4, 2015 at 7:52 PM , Blogger Kelly Ann said...

I absolutely love this! I have 9 month old twin boys + I am really looking forward to the ridiculous things I am sure will come out of my mouth in the future. And #10 is on point... We want 2-3 more little ones + I wouldn't mind it one bit if they all wind up being boys. :)

At January 8, 2015 at 1:35 PM , Blogger Caley-Jade Rosenberg said...

Haha, I absolutely loved these - so cute! x

At January 9, 2015 at 6:10 PM , Blogger wtiger9 said...

Boys are the best! I only have one, but I am pregnant again and really hoping it's another boy.


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